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                                                      BLACKS IN GOVERNMENT AE/EEO  PROGRAM


National Blacks In Government (BIG) Affirmative Employment/EEO program develops programs to address areas of concern of Black government employees including rates of hiring and firing; promotions; training; details; distribution of authority and responsibility; adverse actions; awards; merit pay; and disciplinary actions. Also, in line with BIG’s strategic plan, one of BIG’s AE/EEO program goals is to eliminate practices of racism and racial discrimination against Blacks In Government. In re-energizing BIG’s AE/EEO program, we are establishing a process to assist (1) individuals seeking relief from discrimination in the workplace and (2) groups of employees within specific agencies who are experiencing discrimination in the workplace. Both processes will provide documentary evidence of adverse impact and disparate treatment which will enhance BIG’s meeting with agency management officials to point out practices of racism and racial discrimination against Blacks (and other minorities) in government and offer solutions to eliminate unfair practices as stated in our strategic plan. In addition, BIG members will be trained as Complaint Advisors to provide advice and assistance to government employees. The Complaint Advisors will support the entire AE/EEO program. The initial focus areas are discussed in the following sections.



Individuals seeking relief from discrimination in the workplace (see figure 1), please read the following very carefully:


Discrimination, for the purpose of employment law, is any workplace action such as hiring/firing, demoting, and promoting based on a prejudice of some kind that results in the unfair treatment of employees. Many states also have laws prohibiting discrimination and may be even stricter than federal laws.



Racism and Disparate Treatment Forums objectives are to 1) allow members to discuss charges of adverse, disparate and inappropriate treatment toward them as minorities in the workplace, 2) provide documentary evidence of adverse impact and disparate treatment in the workplace, and 3) allow BIG to work with agencies to develop strategies and plans to address issues and concerns of minority employees.



The AE/EEO Chair will facilitate training of BIG members in all 11 regions as Complaint Advisors.  These individuals will be trained to assist members with their individual complaints of discrimination. Complaint Advisors do not represent the employees. This training will be offered as on-line webinar training. The Program and Planning Chair will assist the AE/EEO Chair in designing, developing and implementing this training similar to the Online Officer Leadership Training.


3005 Georgia Avenue, NE

Washington,DC  20001-3807


T: 202-667-3280

F: 202-667-3705 

© 2023 Blacks In Government, Inc.

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