Affirmative Employment & Equal Employment Opportunity (AE/EEO) Program
Purpose: Racism and Disparate Treatment Forums objectives are to 1) allow members to discuss charges of adverse, disparate and inappropriate treatment toward them as minorities in the workplace, 2) provide documentary evidence of adverse impact and disparate treatment in the workplace, and 3) allow BIG to work with agencies to develop strategies and plans to address issues and concerns of minority employees.
a) Hearing request (please see figure 2) is initiated by the employees of a work unit; usually referencing an unusual amount of alleged discrimination charges in a specific workplace.
b) A Discrimination Complaint Form request must be completed by the chapter AE/EEO and submitted to the regional council AE/EEO for review.
c) If approved, the hearing request will be further reviewed by the National Chair AE/EEO and sent to the National President for final review.
d) If approved by the National President, notification of approval will be sent to the region, and the selection of a forum hearing date will be announced. Selection of the hearing date and location of the event and invitations extended to affected parties from every side of the issue.
e) Hold R&DTF hearing and receiving testimony; accepting testimony both verbal and written.
f) Completion of hearing R&DTF draft report: recorded and written testimony from the hearing converted into a verbatim report and detailed, researched analysis conducted on all hearing documents, including hard copy and supplementation documentation.
g) Meeting with agency officials; requesting a meeting with responsible officials for the purpose of obtaining agreements on recommendations and remedies.